Year 10-11 Reviews – What should happen at the reviews?

Year 10 (Age 14/15)

  • 2nd PfA Review at school; EHC Plan reviewed
  • Parents & young person visit potential provisions, if potentially not staying at current school after Y11

Year 11 (Age 15/16)

  • Parents & young person decide on their preferred post-16 provision
  • SEN or Multi-agency panels make decisions about educational placement moves based on young person’s aspirations, wishes & assessed need
  • If young person is leaving at Y11, moving to a new placement (school sixth form, further education college or training), an updated EHC Plan is issued by 31st March of the year leaving, naming post-16 provision
  • If in receipt of DLA, parents receive notification from the DWP about PIP and requesting your young person’s bank details – parents will need to consider how future financial responsibility will work