Please read our disclaimer before posting to the forum.
The Forum is here for you to share experiences and exchange views on about how you cope with a disabled child, especially in light of the new SEND Reforms. We encourage members to introduce themselves here to get to know one another.
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10 years, 3 months ago
Independent Support
Discussion area for Independent Support topics including transitional arrangements, EHC Plans, Pupil Resource Agreements etc.
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No Topics
SEND Reforms
Discussion area to ask questions on the new SEND Reforms.
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7 years, 11 months ago
James Moore
Short Breaks
Discussion area on Short Breaks including help in finding carers, share information on short break services, holiday schemes etc. What services would you like to see developed locally?
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No Topics
Daily Life
Discussion area to share your knowledge and experience to help improve daily life.
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Just Been Diagnosed
Discussion area for members who have just received a diagnosis
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No Topics
Discussion area for members who have teenagers with additional needs
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Preparing for Adulthood
Discussion area for members whose son or daughter are about to become young adults.
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No Topics
Hints And Tips
Got some ideas and strategies to share ? Your ideas could help another family so please do share!
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No Topics
Suggestion Box
Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.
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No Topics
Please read the disclaimer before posting on the Forum.
The Forum is here for you to share experiences of being a parent of a child who has special educational needs and or a disability and to exchange views on related issues, for example the new SEND Reforms. We encourage members to introduce themselves here to get to know one another.
Please read the following notes before posting on the Forum;
Our forum is moderated on a weekly basis.The moderators and administrators are volunteers. The moderators and forum members are not regarded as professionals.
The information provided on this forum is designed to support, not replace, the direct relationship between parent/carers and professionals.
We remind you that any message can be read, used, reproduced and cited by all. You do not have the option to delete your messages. However, under exceptional circumstances, you can contact the moderators to do so. The references you provide for your posts cannot be deleted. Thus, please take care regarding the information that you post.
The moderators and members should conduct themselves at all times with respect and honesty.By using our forums, you agree to post information that is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and is of your personal experience. If the information you post is not personal experience, we request you to provide sources (references, links, etc..) whenever it is relevant and possible.
You are not allowed to post advertisements, whether in the form of text links or banners, for example.
The moderators reserve the right to delete any messages deemed inappropriate without notifying the author. In cases of abuse, the moderators reserve the right to ban a member of the forum. In both instances, an explanation will be provided if user requests.