Volunteers Required for the Bromley All Age Autism Partnership Board
The London Borough of Bromley & the BAAAP is setting up two sub group’s of the BAAAP Board that will run quarterly prior to each Bromley All-Age Autism Board Meeting. One sub group will be for Parents/carer’s and the other group will be for Autistic young people and adults to feedback their experiences.
It’s aim is to ‘Identifying local needs and arising issues’ for Autistic people, collate the key messages, identify a representative from each group to attend and feedback to the board.
The purpose is for a rolling agenda item that feeds into the board; to evoke discussion amongst members, improve signposting, access to support and undertake actions to meet needs.
Cllr Jonathan Andrews is the new chair of the board and is keen on improving local services and opportunities for Autistic people.
If you would like to join either of the sub groups as either a parent/carer or as a person with lived experience of Autism, please email: info@bromleyparentvoice.org.uk with the header ‘BAAAP Sub group Volunteer’
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